Choking hazards are everywhere

Prevention is best when it comes to choking and safety


Babies and young children can choke on virtually any object. Tragically, children have died from choking on things such as small balls, tiny toys, balloons, and plants.

Babies and young children can choke on virtually any object. Tragically, children have died from choking on things such as small balls, tiny toys, balloons, and plants.

According to Safe Kids Worldwide, almost 60 percent of choking incidents were related to food. Thirteen percent of cases involved swallowing coins and 19 percent involved candy or gum.

In 1997, more than half of all choking deaths in children were related to latex balloons. We tend to think of balloons as fun objects, but we should be aware of their potential for tragedy.

Some tips on how to prevent choking 

  • Hot dogs, candy, nuts, peanuts, peanut butter, popcorn, carrots, and grapes should not be given to children younger than five years of age. Hot dogs should be sliced lengthwise first for older children.
  • Children should eat or drink only when sitting upright, and not while lying down. Also, children should not be forced to eat, especially when they are sleepy.
  • Children should never be allowed to eat or drink while playing or running around.
  • Young children should always be supervised by an adult during meals and snacks, and during playtime.
  • Toys your child plays with should be labeled as being appropriate for his or her age. Keep older children’s toys away from any young child.
  • If you have had visitors for a party or a dinner, remember to always immediately remove all foods, beverages, and other objects that are potentially dangerous for a young child.
  • Keep your child’s play and sleep areas free from small objects.
  • Young children should not be given nor be in contact with latex balloons. Broken balloons can easily choke a small child; so be aware of this and consider using alternative decorations.
  • Jewelry can easily be swallowed or inhaled. For this reason, children should not wear any earrings, rings, or any other jewelry items before the age of five.
  • Keep coins and other small objects such as buttons, toothpicks, paper clips, plants, seeds, etc., (and any other household or office item that could be a potential choking threat) away from young children at all times.
  • When visiting a friend’s or a relative’s house or on vacation, make sure your child is not exposed to any choking hazards.

Although it is a good idea to learn how to give first aid to a choking child just in case, prevention is best. 
