Winter’s here for the long haul – get out there!
One of the biggest activities for the city in winter is skating. But before you strap on a pair of blades and head to the canal or your neighbourhood rink, skating lessons might be a good idea. “Our skating programs offer lessons from two years old and up,” says Cunningham, “and if you’re an adult trying it out for the first time, having a few lessons under your belt will help you keep your balance and prevent a nasty fall.” Budding hockey players will benefit from the hockey development skills offered at various centres. Cunningham says that the Jim Durrell Centre offers power skating, goalie development and much more, as do centres in Kanata and Orleans. “Many of the programs we offer, like hockey development, are an excellent way for kids to get a taste of a sport or activity,” says Cunningham. “That way you can decide if they really like it, before you spend money on expensive equipment.”
Guaranteed that there will be “stay-indoors-weather” days. The city has a solution for that too. “We’ve got fitness classes at just about every centre,” says Cunningham. “Whether you want an aerobics class or to walk or run on a treadmill, it’s a great way to get out and stay active.” Cunningham stresses that being active and staying social is especially important for older adults. Winter activities with the city start mid- to late- January and Cunningham says that the weekend activities – like skating and cross-country skiing – fill up quickly, so register as soon as you can. For more information on Winter 2020 activities, visit or drop into the city-run centre in your community.