Helping kids be their healthiest

CHEO, CTV launch Healthy Kids Awards and health series

healthy-living-w2014Do you know an individual, organization or program that goes the “extra mile” to keep Ottawa kids healthy and active? Or are you someone who is working to help the city’s youth?

Whether you’re a sports coach, teacher, student, community group, advocate, health service provider, volunteer or concerned corporate citizen, your actions contribute to the health of the children and youth in the Ottawa community, and CHEO wants to hear from you.

CHEO recently kicked off its 20-week program focused on helping Ottawa parents keep their kids healthy and well and out of hospital, and is calling out for nominations for The CHEO Healthy Kids Awards, to recognize individuals and organizations who are making a difference in the community.

CHEO boasts some of Canada’s top experts in the physical and mental health of children and teens – passionate people drawn to their professions because they want to help kids be their healthiest.

The CHEO Healthy Kids campaign will help the hospital share its expertise and provide trustworthy and useful information to parents in the community.

“There will be 70,000 more children and youth in our region in 20 years than there are today, so it will be increasingly important to work to prevent illness and injury, rather than treat it after,” says Alex Munter, president and chief executive officer of CHEO.

“We take our role as a leader in children’s health seriously, and we want to inspire others to do the same.”

Anyone may apply or be nominated for one of these award categories:

• Youth for Youth

Initiatives/programs created by youth, for youth.

• Community Champion

A person who has truly gone the extra mile to encourage the mental or physical health of children and youth.

Community Program

Corporate, non-profit, or other organizational program or initiative that contributes to the healthy development of children and youth.

Help for Special Needs

Projects, programs, or people who enrich the lives of children and youth who are developmentally delayed, medically challenged, technologically dependent or who require complex or palliative care.

• Connected Care

Partners working together to help kids and families be their healthiest.

Health Advocacy and Public Education

An individual or organization raising awareness of a key issue that impacts the health of children and youth, or influences a change in government policy that will positively benefit kids and families.


This can be done by completing the online application form at

Nominating others

To nominate an organization, program or person, complete this nomination form at After CHEO has received the form, the nominee will be contacted.

The deadline for applications is January 31, 2014 at 5  p.m. The winners will be chosen by a panel of judges and will be honoured on March 26, 2014 at the CHEO Healthy Kids awards ceremony. Winners will receive a commemorative plaque and $500 to be reinvested into their program.