Parent Education Calendar (June/July 2015)

For Parents

Summer Success Camp

A therapeutic day camp geared for children ages 8 to 12 years with ADD/ADHD, learning disabilities and behavioural difficulties. This program runs for two weeks.
Date: Aug. 4-14
Times: 8 a.m. to 4 p.m.
Location: Fisher Park Community Centre, 250 Holland Ave.
Fees: $203
Contact: Jodie Gilvear, 613-580-2424 ext. 29292

Kids in Dundonald Park

Join us for a morning of arts and crafts, sand play and other fun activities. This is a multilingual event: English, French, Somali and Arabic. Weather permitting.
Dates: Mondays, July 6, July 20, Aug. 10, Aug. 24
Times: 9:30 a.m. to 11:30 a.m.
Location: Dundonald Park
Fees: Free
Contact: 613-233-4443 ext. 2108,

Kids in St. Luke’s Park

Join us for a morning of arts and crafts, sand play and other fun activities. This is a multilingual event: English, French, Somali and Arabic. Weather permitting.
Dates: Mondays, July 13, 27, Aug. 17
Times: 9:30 a.m. to 11:30 a.m.
Location: St. Luke’s Park
Fees: Free
Contact: 613-233-4443 ext. 2108,

For Parents/Caregivers (children aged birth to 6)

Building Resilience in Young Children

What does resilience mean? In this second part of the workshop, we will focus on the role parents play in increasing resilience in their child, as well as explore practical tools to help their children develop strategies to be more resilient over time.
Date: Wednesday, June 17-24
Times: 6:30 p.m. to 8:30 p.m.
Location: Ontario Early Years Centre – Ottawa South, 2330 Don Reid Dr.
Fees: Free
Contact: 613-737-6369,

Family Yoga

This workshop celebrates the many benefits of yoga and music while encouraging creative play and individual expression between parent and child. Guaranteed to inspire big smiles and healthy bodies! For children ages two to four years.
Date: Monday, June 22
Time: 9:30 a.m. to 10:30 a.m.
Location: Mothercraft Ottawa, 475 Evered Ave.
Fees: Free
Contact: Cathy Cadieux, 613-728-1839 ext. 248,

Prenatal and Postnatal

Breastfeeding Workshop for Expectant Parents

Getting ready for your baby? Come learn about infant feeding from an International Board Certified Lactation Consultant. We will share how to get comfortable, how to know if your baby is getting enough to eat, how babies know just what to do and what you can do to help them do it. Partners are welcome and encouraged to attend.
Date: Thursday, June 18
Times: 6:30 p.m. to 8:30 p.m.
Location: Mothercraft Ottawa, 475 Evered Ave.
Fees: Free
Contact: Cathy Cadieux, 613-728-1839 ext. 248,

Postnatal Exercise

Join us and learn an effective strength training workout that allows you to bond with your baby. Build strength, tone muscles, regain functional movement, improve your posture and bounce back after childbirth, all while having fun with your baby. Use your baby as resistance and strengthen your back, legs, upper body and core. For mothers and fathers who have infants ages eight weeks to
12 months.
Date: Monday, June 22
Times: 1:30 p.m. to 2:30 p.m.
Location: Mothercraft Ottawa, 475 Evered Ave.
Fees: Free
Contact: Cathy Cadieux, 613-728-1839 ext. 248,

Prenatal Breastfeeding

Given by a lactation consultant, you will learn tips to help start breastfeeding, breastfeeding positions, signs your baby is breastfeeding well, general breast care, expressing milk, storing breast milk, encouragement to get breastfeeding off to a good start, and what to do if you run into problems.
Date: Wednesday, July 8, Aug. 5, Sept. 9, Oct. 7, Nov. 4 and Dec. 6
Times: 4 p.m. to 6:30 p.m.
Location: Pinecrest Queensway Community Health Centre, 1365 Richmond Rd.
Fees: Free
Contact: 613-820-4922 ext. 3640,

Prenatal Breastfeeding Information

Expectant mothers and partners are invited to join us for this workshop and learn the basics of breastfeeding. Offered by a registered nurse/lactation consultant.
Date: Wednesday, Aug. 12
Times: 6 p.m. to 8 p.m.
Location: 420 Cooper St.
Fees: Free
Contact: 613-233-4443 ext. 2108,

For Fathers

Power of Dads

In this two-session workshop, the “Power of Dads” will strengthen your parenting skills and give you strategies to help your children meet their full potential. The topics of discussion will include child development, nutrition, sleep and managing difficult child behaviours.
Date: Thursday, June 11 and June 18
Times: 6:30 p.m. to 8:30 p.m.
Location: Mothercraft Ottawa, 475 Evered Ave.
Fees: Free
Contact: Cathy Cadieux, 613-728-1839 ext. 248,

Parent/Caregiver Training

Talking/Singing/Reading/Writing/Playing Workshop Series – Workshop #3: Playing

Knowing that the environment is the child’s third educator, what is our role in offering a stimulating learning environment for the children in our care? This workshop provides a better understanding of the importance in creating a learning environment that stimulates children’s curiosity, encourages exploration and questioning through play, and demonstrates how we are a key
component in ensuring this happens.
Date: Wednesday, June 17
Times: 1 p.m. to 4 p.m.
Location: Parent Resource Centre, 300 Goulburn Pt.
Fees: Free
Contact: Sonal, 613-565-2467,

Compiled by Susan Burrows, Information Resource Coordinator, Parent Resource Centre