For Parents
Exploring Sleep Options
Exploring sleep options for parents and babies in their first year. Are your baby’s sleep patterns not working for your family? Learn ways of coping and strategies for changing your baby’s sleep habits. For parents with babies up to 12 months old.
Date: Monday, Nov. 23
Times: 1 p.m. to 3 p.m.
Location: Katimavik Preschool Resource Centre, 180 Katimavik Rd.
(Entrance on the north side of the school, off McGibbon Drive)
Contact: 613-591-6030
For Parents/Caregivers (children aged birth to 6)
Child Care Connection
(Kanata and area)
The Child Care Providers Resource Network coordinates Child Care Connection meetings to provide an opportunity for caregivers and parents to connect and establish quality home-based child care arrangements. Information and resources are presented to help them create and maintain their partnerships.
Date: Sept. 14 to Nov. 9 (The second Monday of each month)
Times: 7 p.m. to 8 p.m.
Location: Katimavik Preschool Resource Centre, 180 Katimavik Rd.
Contact: Child Care Providers
Resource Network,,
Discipline for Young Children (under 6 years):
Three-part workshop series
A series of workshops for home child care providers (parents welcome, too).
• Sept. 22: When Consequences Don’t Work:
In this workshop we will look at a few of the possible reasons why misbehaviour continues and we’ll explore some practical solutions.
• Sept. 30: The Temperament Factor: Preventing Misbehaviour by Managing Intensity:
You’ll discover ways to prevent problems, make life easier and at the same time, learn the strengths that come with a ”difficult” temperament.
• Oct. 6: Discipline That Looks for Solutions:
In this workshop you will learn an approach to teaching children better behaviour by focusing on solutions to problems instead of punishment.
*If you can’t make all three sessions, you may register for the workshops individually.
Date: Sept. 22 to Oct. 6
(Every three weeks, on Tuesdays)
Times: 7 p.m. to 9 p.m.
Location: Katimavik Preschool Resource Centre, 180 Katimavik Rd.
Contact: Child Care Providers Resource Network,, 613-749-5211
Prenatal and Postnatal
Prenatal Breastfeeding
A lactation consultant will teach tips to help start breastfeeding, including: breastfeeding positions, signs your baby is breastfeeding well, general breast care, expressing milk, storing breast milk, encouragement to get breastfeeding off to a good start, and what to do if you run
into problems.
Date: Monthly on Wednesdays;
Sept. 9, Oct. 7 and Nov. 4
Times: 4 p.m. to 6:30 p.m.
Location: Pinecrest-Queensway Community Health Centre, 1365 Richmond Rd.
Fees: Free
Contact: Ottawa West Early Years Centre,, 613-820-4922 ext. 3640