Workshops in everything from acting to talent shows and everything in between
Happy (meh) one-year anniversary of COVID-19!
Ottawa School of Theatre teachers, staff, volunteers, and even our studios, costumes, and props, cannot wait to return to in-person classes and camps. This past year has not been an easy one, but the OST-ETO volunteers, board, teachers and staff adapted and found a way to keep on keeping on in this new COVID-world.
Theatre is meant to be live and very much in-person and, although it is true that virtual fun is better than no fun, OST-ETO has lost almost 300 registrations over this past year.
- Missed celebrating 30thbirthday
- Missed class in-person on-stage performances
- Missed performing at Ottawa venues such as The Ottawa Fringe Festival, The CHEO Teddy Bear Picnic, area schools and more
- We have all missed attending theatre and live performances everywhere –theatres all across the world went dark more than one year ago
OST-ETO is more than grateful for the financial support of the federal and municipal governments. Without their support, it would not have been possible to continue to offer virtual opportunities to Ottawa and beyond. Virtual fun has created the opportunity to go beyond immediate communities and gain some national students in New Brunswick, and international students in the U.S.A. and Switzerland.
September 2021 will be a new year, our 32nd. If safety permits, there will be a return to OST studios with smaller class sizes and all safety precautions in place. It is hoped that classes will be filled; that OST-ETO can once again become the vibrant school of excellence it is known for — hosting pARTies and events and performances onstage!
In the meantime, please, help support Ottawa School of Theatre by:
- Signing up for classes and camps
- If virtual isn’t your thing, then please help by promoting classes/camps
- Spreading the word
- Considering making a donation to OST-ETO which is a registered charity.
Summer camps will include workshops in everything from ACTing to talent shows and everything in between! They will be 75 minutes per day from Monday thru Friday, ending with an online performance.
Talk to us at OST! Share your best and worst of this past year. At the OST, best is all the encouraging, loving and supportive emails that have come in. The worst? …NO HUGS! Ack!
All the best to all of you.
Keep safe. Wash hands, wear masks, and don’t touch your beautiful faces!