Monday | Tuesday | Wednesday | Thursday | Friday | Saturday | Sunday |
Mother Goose Day! Read a Mother Goose book. |
Make a paper plate goose. |
Sing your favourite nursery rhymes while in the car or playing at home. |
Bird Day!Go for a nature walk, listen and look for birds outside. |
Look at a bird book and talk about the types of birds there are. |
Make a paper towel tube bird; feathers and googly eyes. |
Talk about what colour birds are, the sounds they make, where they live, what they eat, etc. |
Make a bird feeder; toilet paper tube rolled in honey, then in bird seed. |
Make a card and mail it out to someone special. |
Make sunshine pancakes together. |
Sing ‘You Are My Sunshine.’ |
Make a handprint sun. |
Visit the library to get books about spring and the sun. |
Dance Like a Chicken Day! |
Make a footprint chicken. |
Talk about the lifecycle of a chicken: what they eat, what they do, etc. |
Go for a nature walk: observe, talk about and draw what you see. |
Draw a flower and label all of its parts. |
Read a book about spring. |
Sing ‘I’m Bringing Home My Baby Bumblebee.’ |
Talk about things that start with the letter B. |
Make a bumblebee egg carton craft. |
Play ‘Simon Says,’ doing animal actions. |
Talk about the best thing that happened today. |
Create a family tree! |
Sing the Alphabet Song! |
Make letter shapes with your body by bending and twisting. |
Swap your favourite book with a friend. |
Make bread dough letters out of frozen dough for snack. |
Create an alphabet book using drawings and magazine clippings. |
Photo: © mtruchon
Photo: © Yaruta