Signs of dyslexia can show up as early as kindergarten How do I help my child? “You have no idea how many times I’ve said that,” says Lark Barker, president of Decoding Dyslexia Ontario. “Or how often other parents […]
Life skills, real world
Schools are teaching kids about entrepreneurship and finances. Here’s how kids can benefit, writes Sheryl Bennett-Wilson Entrepreneurship, finances and understanding economic systems are all part of the learning curve that students can apply to the real world. Numerous schools […]
Can your child enjoy math and science?
Innovative curriculum may be the answer, Kita Szpak writes We’ve all heard over and over, the importance of STEM curriculum. This, combined with the fact that heightened interest in a subject serves as an excellent catalyst in learning and enjoying […]
Math, as easy as 1, 2, 3
It can be so simple, and yet so many of us fear the M-word. These basic skills will set the foundation for future math lovers.