Nicole willing

Nicole Willing and son Miles read a real book at home...without the help of artificial intelligence. Photo Credit Jon Willing

Storybooks in seconds

Artificial intelligence can create personalized tales with the click of a button. Our Dad’s Dispatch columnist discovers it’s no substitute for the real thing     It felt icky the first night I turned storytime over to the robot. Shelves […]

Miles Willing eyes the finish line with mom Nicole cheering him on in the Hintonburg 1k race in July. Miles, who loves to run, is primed for one day joining a school cross-country running club. Photo Credit Jon Willing

After the bell

A robust school extracurricular program has much to offer children and their families   If kids are gloomy about being back in the classroom this fall, hopefully they find joy in the school’s extracurricular activities. We should urge our children […]

Nicole, Miles and Jon Willing during their first family "glamping" trip at Lac Philippe in 2020. Photo Courtesy Jon Willing

Just around the corner

Jon Willing’s most memorable family getaway? Good ol’ Gatineau Park The quality of family adventures should never be measured by distance travelled. Some of our best summer vacations with our son have been camping about 45 kilometres from our home. […]

Miles Willing helps with a post-dinner cleanup. Photo Credit Jon Willing

The allowance debate: Con

“Teaching a child to be a contributing member of the family is more valuable at a young age than offering lessons on financial planning” — Jon Willing I have developed a contractual relationship with my five-year-old son. The terms of […]

Longer summer days mean Miles Willing can try out more activities. Photo Credit Nicole Willing

Summer squeeze

Getting every last drop out of a fleeting season requires a complex formula There are few reasons why our son’s bedtime would be extended, even in the stretched sunny days of summer. Once the elusive bedtime routine is finally nailed […]

Nicole and Miles Willing gather donations at Christmas last year. Photo Credit: Jon Willing

Sharing is caring

  The last page of a Sesame Street book shows Cookie Monster and Elmo splitting a snack and telling us, “Sharing is caring.”   It has become a line often repeated in our home as we teach our three-year-old son, […]