Need parenting help? Check the Parent Resource Centre’s calendar of parenting and family workshops coming up this fall in the Ottawa area.
Parent Resource Centre
The value of STEM
Exposing young children to Science, Technology, Engineering and Math provides important opportunities to explore and learn.
Parent Education Calendar (May/June 2017)
Parent and caregiver training, workshops and courses for families happening across the Ottawa region in May and June 2017.
The importance of dialogic reading with your child
When you read with your child, they should do most of the storytelling. Here’s how you can read dialogically to your child.
Secure attachment and the first years of your child’s life
The first few years of your child’s life set the foundation for their healthy development.
Everyday family literacy
As a family, you can make literacy a part of your daily routine by looking at words and symbols in your surroundings.
Fall 2016 Parent Education Calendar
A calendar of upcoming Ottawa-area parenting courses and workshops for moms and dads with children of all ages, parents-to-be, and children.
Math, as easy as 1, 2, 3
It can be so simple, and yet so many of us fear the M-word. These basic skills will set the foundation for future math lovers.