
Ava James Sidoli founded Only Takes One. Photo Courtesy Only Takes One

It only takes one

Giving was a part of Ava James Sidoli’s childhood. Now in her last year of high school, the Ottawa teen has led a charge in helping the less fortunate When you get the message at age five that it’s a […]

Riley Hunt, right, with his grandparents. Photo Courtesy Chris Hunt

It’s the little things

It doesn’t take much to teach kids how to give back My son Riley was kneeling in a sea of shredded Christmas paper and discarded ribbons.  In front of him, a small mountain of toys loomed.  Nestled around him was […]

Editor Tracey Tong and her daughters Millicent and Elliot. Photo Courtesy Tracey Tong

From the editor

  That well-known expression, “charity begins at home” means that a person should care for the needs of their own family and friends before helping others. But while I was growing up, I thought it meant the lessons around being […]