Considering having your child learn a language – other than English and French? Here’s why you should go for it “There are so many reasons why language programming for children is important,” says Sarah Graham, marketing administrator for continuing […]
How green spaces benefit kids
Here are five health benefits you might not have known, Kris Kiser writes Now that spring is here, have you ever considered how our green spaces contribute to your child’s health? Studies show that green space and landscaping contribute to […]
‘My child is always sick’
The average child attending daycare will be sick a dozen times in the first year Typically, as kids begin school or daycare, parents notice that their child is seemingly always sick. This is a very common complaint, and in […]
Silent night, restful night
Start the new year with good sleep hygiene, writes Dr. Valerie Crabtree Along with nutrition and exercise, sleep is the third pillar of health that keeps us healthy and balanced. “Yet, as a society, we really undervalue the […]
Spend 10 minutes outside
Getting outside can do much to boost your mood, productivity, and quality of life, Kris Kiser writes A growing body of scientific evidence proves getting outside is good for our health and well-being. Exploring and appreciating nature – in our own […]
Get your kids outside this winter
Bundling up and heading outdoors in the cold weather can spark creativity in your toddler, Kris Kiser writes Parents and guardians may be tempted to dial back outdoor activities for kids when cold temperatures arrive, but playing outside is good […]
Finding the right fit for your preschool child
Book a tour and trust your instincts, experts advise Today’s reality suggests that most young children have working parents. That means that parents need to find quality childcare. And that can be a challenge for parents with preschool aged […]
Keeping slime safe
Here are some tips for parents of toddlers to keep slime borax-free If you ask an average three-year-old what makes slime a good slime, you might expect the response to include words like gooey, sticky, slimy and stretchy. Extra points […]
Daily oral hygiene habits for toddlers, teens and in between
Good oral health is essential to total health and well-being at any age. Here are some useful tips to help the young people in your family with their daily oral hygiene habits.
Let your toddlers get down and dirty with nature
Remember the days of making mud pies and digging for worms? How about rolling down hills and climbing up trees? Oh my, have times changed.