What will you feed your baby?

What do all those names really mean? Now – before baby arrives – is the time to do your research


It may seem like a far-off event, but before you know it, your new baby will be exploring the world of solid foods.

Navigating the sea of food labels on products for babies, children and adults alike can be overwhelming. After all, you want peace of mind knowing that you’re feeding yourself and your family healthy food made with the cleanest ingredients. You won’t have much time to spare after baby is born, so while you’re playing the waiting game, do your research.

Here is a simple guide of common terms found on food labels to help you decode what they really mean.


Organic fruits and vegetables are grown without the use of synthetic chemical fertilizers or pesticides and do not contain genetically modified organisms (GMOs), artificial additives or preservatives. Any true organic product will carry the Canadian and/or U.S. organic symbols.

Gluten free

Gluten is found in grains, such as wheat, barley and rye, as well as a cross between wheat and rye called triticale, with gluten-free products being safe for infants diagnosed with celiac disease or gluten sensitivity. Nutritious organic purées are a great perfect gluten-free meal or snack for babies and young children.

May contain

A precautionary statement that is used to convey that the food ingredient identified in the “may contain” statement is not part of the product’s ingredients, but that the facility where the product is made does have that ingredient on site. 


The ingredients are listed in order of the amount of each ingredient found in the product, from greatest to least. Make sure to look for whole food ingredients that you can pronounce.

No artificial colours or flavours

This means that the food contains only natural colours, which are pigments extracted from naturally occurring matter, and only natural flavours that are extracted from foods.

BPA free

A BPA-free product is one that doesn’t use the organic compound bisphenol A in its construction. BPA may pose several health risks, including behavioral disorders and diabetes.
