12 Great Family Fun Events

Here’s what’s happening in the National Capital Region this summer


What: Summer Solstice Indigenous Festival

Where: Mādahòkì Farm, 4420 West Hunt Club Rd.

When: June 21 to 23

Why: The Summer Solstice Indigenous Festival returns to Mādahòkì Farm, Indigenous Experience’s property located in Ottawa’s Greenbelt. The festival features a competition Pow Wow, creative workshops, a family fun zone, culinary experiences, and more.

Website: summersolsticefestivals.ca


What: Canada Day Barrhaven

Where:  Clarke Fields Park

When: July 1

Why: Events include a seniors’ and family breakfast, a midway, kids’ zone activity area, Indigenous display, multiple entertainment stages, live bands, artisans and food vendors. Fireworks will wrap up the festivities at 10 p.m.

Website: canadadaybarrhaven.ca


What: Wendover Western Festival

Where: 500 Rue de Centre, Wendover

When: July 10 to 14

Why: The 38th edition of the Wendover Western Festival features artists and entertainers including Erica Brighthill, Jamie McMunn, Marc-André Lemieux, Todd Nolan, Fred Delorme, Ghys Mongeon, Pamela Rooney, Lendemain de Veille, Les Frères Déraspe, Rhéal Leblanc and more.

Website: festivalwesternwendover.ca


What: Glengarry Highland Games

Where: 34 Fair St., Maxville

When: August 2 to 3

Why: One of the largest highland games in the world, the Glengarry Highland Games features a display of music including piping and drumming and fiddling; highland dancing; sports including rugby, the World Scottish Highland Games Heavy Games and the Canadian Armed Forces Primary Reserve Tug of War; the Compose a Tune Competition, pageantry and tradition.

Website: glengarryhighlandgames.com


What: Ottawa Spartan Event Weekend

Where: Calabogie Peaks, 30 Barrett Chute Rd., Calabogie

When: August 3 to 4

Why: Events include the kids’ race, Sprint 5K (20 obstacles), Super 10K (25 obstacles) and the Hurricane Heat 12-hour race. Calabogie Peaks is located on the shores of Calabogie Lake at the base of Dickson Mountain. This race route is a combination of new and timeless tests: a drop into the glacier-fed, freezing Calabogie Lake, a multi-rig rope climb and slip wall. This weekend also features the Spartan Trail Races.

Website: ca.spartan.com/en/races/ottawa


What: Navan Fair

Where: Navan Arena

When: August 8 to 11

Why: The fair features rides, entertainment and a mini chuckwagon show. The lineup will be released closer to the date.

Website: navanfair.com


What: Williamstown Fair

Where:  Williamstown Fairgrounds, 19629 John St., Williamstown

When: August 9 to 11

Why: Canada’s oldest annual fair, the Williamstown Fair has been held since 1812. The fair features livestock and equestrian shows, a midway and games, all kinds of food and beverage offerings, a children’s area with a petting zoo, various competitions and contests including tug-of-war, antique cars and tractors, musical entertainment, vendors and agricultural heritage displays.

Website: williamstownfair.ca


What: Capital Pride

Where: Downtown Ottawa

When: August 17 to 25

Why: The Capital Pride Pageant will be taking place on August 17, while the street festival returns to Bank St. this year on August 24 to 25, featuring community organizations, political groups and a craft fair. The pride parade—the highlight of the event—returns on August 25.

Website: capitalpride.ca/


What: Capital Ukrainian Festival

Where: Lansdowne Park

When: August 19 to 20

Why: The Capital Ukrainian Festival Music features culture and a marketplace with artisans selling beadwork, ceramics, embroidery and pysanka. Entertainers include Ottawa Ukrainian Children’s Choir, Euriy Derkach, Oleksii Fishchuk, Olena Gapey with Liko Yamane, Anna Stoianova, Denis Onisimov, The Sharms, Cantus Cantabile, Auresia, Grigoriy Dikal and more.

Website: capitalukrainianfestival.com


What: Latin Sparks Festival

Where: LeBreton Flats

When: Sept. 7

Why: Celebrating its 10th year, Ottawa’s Latin festival will transport attendees to a Havana block party with an all-star lineup of live music and dance performances. Zona Fiesta features live performances, Top 40 music and dance classes; Zona Mercado features food vendors and a seating area; and Zona Fuego includes a live 10-piece band and DJs playing salsa and bachata, live music and free dance classes.

Website: latinsparks.ca/ottawa


What: Escape Bicycle Tours

Where: 65 Sparks St., Ottawa

When: Ongoing

Why: Instead of passively taking a car or bus to see Ottawa, check it out from the seat of a bike. Escape Bicycle Tours offers scheduled tours, special tours and packages, one-day and multi-day tours and rentals of electric bikes and electric scooters. In addition to seeing the sites, dive into culture, nature, and history beyond the Rideau Canal and Parliament Hill.

Website: escapebicycletours.ca/

What: Money in 10 Questions

Where: Bank of Canada Museum

When: Through December 2024

Why: This hands-on exhibition was the result of a survey by the Bank of Canada Museum: children told them what they wanted to know about money. The exhibit features 10 play-based activity stations that provide a foundation of what kids need to know to help them manage their financial futures.

Website: bankofcanadamuseum.ca/explore/exhibitions/special-exhibitions/