There are many charitable organizations that do good work in our community. Ones you’ve heard of (United Way, Ottawa Mission, CHEO and Sens Foundation, Orkidstra, Boys and Girls Club and Big Brothers, Big Sisters, to name a few) and ones […]
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Keeping kids safe
We rely on them every day — our children’s car seats. Yet, study after study has shown that the vast majority of parents are installing their car seats incorrectly. “When it comes to incorrect installation, what we’re seeing is […]
Busting the lice myths
Head lice are more prevalent during the school year, expert says With summer winding down and the kids heading back to school, many parents can expect the dreaded note home about lice in the classroom. Lice expert and […]
Going green, One Diaper at a time
Local organization aims to alleviate the financial strain of babyhood with free kits One of the most confounding choices for parents is the diaper debate: cloth vs. disposable. No matter which you choose, this decision has a serious financial […]
OFCP monetizes old goods for charity while helping you clear out your closet Kids grow out of things quickly — that’s literally in terms of clothes, and more figuratively when it comes to things like toys and books. Passing […]
Matthew House brings something to the table
Organization’s furniture bank provides those in need with free household goods Do you ever think about how important furniture is to facilitating your family life? Beds for you and your children to sleep in. Dining tables and chairs to eat […]
The Ottawa Inuit Children’s Centre: ‘There’s a lot of good things we do here’
The Ottawa Inuit Children’s Centre offers a variety of programs and resources to give children a good start while remaining grounded in their culture.
For the love of children (and comic books)
Not-for-profit cosplay group The League of Super Heroes brings beloved characters to life for the benefit of Ottawa children’s charities.
Lemonade stand fundraiser aims to put the squeeze on cancer
Hundreds of Ottawa families will come together to raise money for cancer research during the annual Cardel Homes Lemonade Standemonium.
Home-daycare network one of a kind in Canada
The Child Care Providers Resource Network of Ottawa-Carleton connects home-daycare providers and parents with valuable information and support. Providers of home daycare in Ottawa — and the parents who need such services — have an advantage that isn’t common elsewhere, […]