Artificial intelligence can create personalized tales with the click of a button. Our Dad’s Dispatch columnist discovers it’s no substitute for the real thing It felt icky the first night I turned storytime over to the robot. Shelves […]
Dad’s Corner
Just around the corner
Jon Willing’s most memorable family getaway? Good ol’ Gatineau Park The quality of family adventures should never be measured by distance travelled. Some of our best summer vacations with our son have been camping about 45 kilometres from our home. […]
Staycation nation
After a childhood of holidays close to home, Chris Hunt dreamed of seeing the world, only to come full circle I didn’t travel much as a boy. Vacations were usually stay-at-home affairs as my family was on a limited […]
New beginnings
Columnist Jon Willing recently traded a high-profile reporting career for one in academia. The biggest winners? His family A middle-age, late-career job change can be a gamble. You have built years of seniority and achieved a level of expertise […]
It’s the little things
It doesn’t take much to teach kids how to give back My son Riley was kneeling in a sea of shredded Christmas paper and discarded ribbons. In front of him, a small mountain of toys loomed. Nestled around him was […]
Sharing is caring
The last page of a Sesame Street book shows Cookie Monster and Elmo splitting a snack and telling us, “Sharing is caring.” It has become a line often repeated in our home as we teach our three-year-old son, […]
Not for the faint of heart
Ottawa winters can be quite brutal – but for the sake of his son, you’ll find columnist Jon Willing outdoors… and loving it The older I get, the less hardy I’ve become in Ottawa’s cold, damp winters. Winter activities […]
A strange turn of events
In his debut column, new dad Jon Willing sings the praises of daycare and its value to his young son Like jailbirds scrawling the days on the prison wall, our small family was tracking our time spent semi-confined under the […]
A dad’s take: This summer, shake things up — and get out of town
A one-on-one trip with your little ones is a great way to slow down and cherish the all-too-fleeting childhood moments, writes James Gordon.
A father’s winter of discontent
Could a tough season of defiance and tantrums eventually give way to a fresh new phase of kindness and sweetness? Chris Hunt certainly hopes so.