These delicious dishes change up traditional recipes with tasty twists to keep you from falling into a rut as summer turns to fall.
Ophea challenges Ottawa-area schools to get healthy and go for gold
When it comes to our kids, what better way could there be to support their holistic health than by making it a school-wide focus?
Cure picky eating with these four tips
Is your child a picky eater? Registered dietitian Whitney Mabee shares her top four tips for raising a food lover.
Why summer camp is the healthy choice
A great deal of media attention these days is focused on children’s health and their level of fitness. The official prognosis by medical experts is poor, and the gravity of the situation has prompted legislative action on the part of […]
Digestible advice for a healthy pregnancy
Eating well is essential for a healthy pregnancy for you and your child. Here are expert tips on how to add four important nutrients into your diet.
What to do about picky eating?
Are mealtimes a battle in your family and you’re concerned that your child isn’t eating enough healthy food to meet their needs? You’re not alone!